"AI-Driven Algorithm Aims to Save Endangered 'Hopping' Bee Species"

 A collaborative project in Yorkshire aims to protect a unique 'hopping' bee species from extinction, which has seen its population decline by over 50% in recent years. The project involves cooperation between The Species Recovery Trust and Agritech firm AgriSound, using a newly developed AI-driven algorithm to detect and safeguard the Tormentil mining bee. This bee exhibits a distinctive 'hopping' flight pattern while collecting food and depends on a specific flower variety called Tormentil.

AI-Driven Algorithm Aims to Save Endangered 'Hopping' Bee Species

The Tormentil mining bee's decline is attributed to the loss of its natural habitats, rich in Tormentil plants and sandy bare ground areas essential for nesting. The collaboration between the Species Recovery Trust and AgriSound leverages bioacoustic technology to monitor and protect this endangered bee species. AgriSound's Polly bioacoustic listening devices, combined with a bespoke algorithm developed using AI, allow for accurate monitoring of the bee's health and activity.

This innovative approach using bioacoustics is gaining traction in commercial agriculture and conservation efforts, helping increase crop yield and contribute to biodiversity conservation. It provides essential data for ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) reporting and helps organizations demonstrate positive impacts of their actions.

The Tormentil mining bee's distinct 'hop' flight and its tendency to burrow into the ground make it challenging to monitor. AgriSound's AI and machine learning techniques enable the development of a bioacoustic algorithm that detects the bee's unique sound, facilitating the tracking and data gathering needed to protect this species and enhance local biodiversity.

Currently, nearly thirty Pollys are being deployed across the York Heathlands and North Yorkshire Moors to track these unique insects. The project's goal is to create a positive impact on conserving the Tormentil mining bee and its ecosystem.

The collaboration between conservation organizations and technology companies demonstrates the potential for AI and advanced technology to aid in wildlife conservation efforts, showcasing innovative solutions to protect endangered species.

#WildlifeConservation, #AIInConservation, #EndangeredSpecies, #BiodiversityProtection, #EnvironmentalProtection, #AIForWildlife, #SpeciesRecovery, #ConservationTechnology, #YorkshireWildlife, #HabitatPreservation, #dambeekeeper,#climatestory, #environmentalstory

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