"Canadians Want Urgent Climate Action, but Most Unwilling to Pay More Tax: Poll"

Canadians Want Urgent Climate Action, but Most Unwilling to Pay More Tax Poll

"Canadians Want Urgent Climate Action, but Most Unwilling to Pay More Tax: Poll"

In the wake of Canada's worst recorded wildfire season, a new poll reveals Canadians' concerns about climate change and their expectations from the government. The exclusive poll, conducted by Ipsos for Global News, highlights several key findings:

  1. Perception of Increasing Extreme Weather:

    • 68% of Canadians believe that the country will face similar extreme weather events every year.
    • 63% attribute the severity of recent wildfires to climate change.
  2. Call for Climate Intervention:

    • 65% of respondents argue that if the federal government does not take immediate action, it will be failing the country.
  3. Reluctance to Pay More Taxes:

    • Only 23% of Canadians are willing to pay higher taxes to combat climate change.

These findings demonstrate that while Canadians are increasingly concerned about climate change, they are hesitant to bear the financial burden of climate action. The poll results also indicate a growing demand for government leadership in addressing climate change.

A significant shift has occurred in Canadian public opinion over the past year. The number of Canadians who believe the government would be failing its citizens if it does not act on climate change has risen by 13 percentage points to reach 65%. This shift indicates that climate change is becoming a pressing issue for Canadians.

Furthermore, the poll highlights a substantial disconnect between public sentiment and the government's perceived actions. Only 26% of Canadians think their government has a clear plan in place to tackle climate change. Over 60% of respondents want the government to take action, suggesting a gap between public expectations and government performance.

The findings also emphasize that climate change is no longer an abstract issue; it has become a personal concern for many Canadians. One in five respondents knows someone who has been directly impacted by a forest fire, bringing the issue closer to home.

The poll underscores the need for comprehensive action on multiple fronts, including better disaster management, the development of infrastructure resilient to extreme weather, increased awareness campaigns, and support for individual efforts to reduce carbon emissions.

Despite their reluctance to pay more taxes, a majority of Canadians believe that individual actions can contribute to addressing the climate crisis. However, they lack knowledge and guidance on how to effectively reduce their carbon footprint.

Overall, this poll highlights the increasing urgency for climate action in Canada and underscores the expectations of Canadians for their government to lead in this effort.

#Canada, #ClimateChange, #Poll, #ClimateAction, #ExtremeWeather, #GovernmentResponse #Taxation

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