Deep Gap Bee Festival Grows in Popularity

Deep Gap Bee Festival Grows in Popularity

Deep Gap Bee Festival Grows in Popularity

The 3rd Annual Hidden Happiness Bee Farm Festival held in Deep Gap, North Carolina, continues to flourish, attracting an estimated 1,200 visitors in 2023. The festival, organized by H.S. Greene, has experienced significant growth since its inception in 2021 when it drew approximately 900 attendees. The event's rising popularity reflects a growing interest in beekeeping and self-sufficiency in light of supply chain disruptions and the COVID-19 pandemic.

H.S. Greene, a lifelong resident of eastern Watauga County, transitioned from a 30-year career in construction to bee farming. His bee farm, home to 45 honey bee hives, serves as the backdrop for the annual festival. Greene also plays a pivotal role in educating the community about beekeeping by offering bee hive classes and founding the High Country Bee Club, which has now grown to around 50 members from four different counties.

During the festival, Greene captivates audiences with his explanation of the intricate harmony within honey bee colonies, emphasizing their crucial role as pollinators. He highlights the increasing popularity of bee farming and gardening as people look for ways to become more self-reliant and produce their own food.

In addition to bee-related activities and information, the festival features a diverse array of vendors showcasing their skills, ranging from pottery-making to crafting crochet animals and primitive crafts. Local artisan Kathryn Moretz, who runs Moretz Mudslingers, a pottery shop located near Hidden Happiness Bee Farm, has made and sold a substantial amount of pottery since her shop's opening.

Another festival participant, Roger Johnson, who retired to Powder Horn Mountain after a long engineering career in Sarasota, Florida, has embarked on a new venture crafting birdhouses. Johnson's birdhouses, made from wormy chestnut wood, have become a prominent attraction at the festival.

As Deep Gap's Bee Festival continues to grow, it reflects a broader trend of people seeking self-sufficiency and sustainable practices in response to recent global challenges, such as the pandemic and supply chain disruptions.

  1. #Beekeeping, #SustainableLiving, #Festival, #LocalArtisans, #Self-Reliance
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