IAEA Inspection at Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Plant

IAEA Inspection at Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Plant

In a critical update from Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) experts were finally granted access to the rooftop of the second unit. The inspection revealed no signs of mines or explosives. However, the IAEA continues to push for access to all six reactor buildings and turbine halls.

Kiev, Ukraine - In a situation marred by conflict, the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, under Russian military control since early March 2022, saw a breakthrough in the IAEA's efforts for inspection. The IAEA Director General, Rafael Mariano Grossi, noted, "After repeated requests in recent months, we were at last able to go to one more reactor rooftop. While this is a step in the right direction, we still need more access to assess adherence to the five principles, which were presented and gained support at the United Nations Security Council. We will continue to insist until this is granted."

Previous attempts at inspections of units 3 and 4 in early August yielded no evidence of explosives or mines. During the recent visit to the roof of unit 2, observers managed to catch glimpses of the rooftops of units 1 and 3, without finding any threatening materials. The IAEA has consistently expressed its desire to inspect all six units, "one after the other."

The IAEA's principles for safety and security at Zaporizhzhia emphasize non-utilization for attacks or weapons storage and protection from hostile actions. A request for access to the turbine halls to confirm compliance with these principles has not been approved, and the IAEA team can confirm the status of one turbine hall at a time.

Of the six units at Zaporizhzhia, five are in cold shutdown, with unit 4 in 'hot' shutdown, actively generating steam for nearby Energodar town and liquid radioactive waste processing. The State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine has issued regulatory orders for all six units to be in cold shutdown. The IAEA is urging plant operators to secure an alternative source of steam generation.

Unit 6 is undergoing maintenance following its transition to cold shutdown. Tests have revealed minor water leaks in one tube of each steam generator, which have been successfully repaired. The IAEA team stationed at the plant, situated on the frontline between Russian and Ukrainian troops, continues to report daily explosions, mostly occurring at a distance from the plant. They are also examining staffing levels, training, and staff licensing at the facility.

Since the destruction of the Kakhovka dam in early June, concerns have arisen about the supply of cooling water to the plant. To address this, several underground wells have been dug to ensure an adequate water supply. Eleven wells have now been completed, providing approximately 250 cubic meters of water per hour, which the plant operators believe will suffice to maintain the sprinkler cooling ponds.

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