Bee the Change NOLA: Cultivating Environmental Stewardship Among New Orleans Youth

Bee the Change NOLA: Cultivating Environmental Stewardship Among New Orleans Youth

Bee the Change NOLA Cultivating Environmental Stewardship Among New Orleans Youth

Introduction: In the heart of New Orleans, a buzz of environmental consciousness is emanating from the students of Isidore Newman School, thanks to the vision of high school senior Jacob Dusansky. Dusansky's fascination with bees, sparked during his years in London, has evolved into "Bee the Change NOLA," one of Louisiana's pioneering high school beekeeping clubs. This article explores the club's journey, its impact on students, and the broader mission to foster environmental stewardship in the vibrant city.

1. Genesis of Bee the Change NOLA: Jacob Dusansky's passion for bees blossomed during a family trip to a beekeeping farm on the West Bank, inspiring him to initiate Bee the Change NOLA. Founded with the goal of educating members about bees and fostering hands-on experience, the club quickly gained popularity, boasting over 100 sign-ups in its inaugural year. Now, with approximately 95 dedicated members, Bee the Change NOLA aims to extend its influence beyond the school, promoting environmental awareness.

2. Harvesting Knowledge and Honey: Equipped with green and white hives, a nod to the school's identity as the Newman Greenies, club members actively participated in beekeeping, experiencing a firsthand harvest of honey. The club's learning experiences included interacting with experts via Zoom, including renowned figures like Alon Shaya and representatives from Detroit Hives. The honey harvest, totaling six gallons, became a tangible result of the students' dedication and learning.

3. Bee the Change NOLA's Community Impact: Beyond the school premises, Bee the Change NOLA envisions extending its reach to neighborhoods, intending to establish hives and educational programs. Jacob Dusansky aspires to create pollinator gardens and introduce at least 15 hives to vacant lots around the Lower Ninth Ward, contributing to both environmental conservation and community engagement.

4. Transformative Impact on Students: For club members, Bee the Change NOLA is more than beekeeping—it's a transformative experience. Members, including William Darragh and Heid Manning, express newfound appreciation for bees and the environment. The club serves as a sanctuary for busy students, allowing them to reconnect with nature and recognize the significance of their collective efforts.

5. Addressing Challenges and Nurturing Bees: As Bee the Change NOLA confronts challenges like white mites in the hives, Jacob Dusansky and his team exemplify resilience and dedication. The club's engagement with retired beekeeper Jay Martin highlights the changing landscape of beekeeping, emphasizing the importance of simplicity in bee care and recognizing the bees' remarkable efficiency.

Conclusion: Bee the Change NOLA emerges not only as a beekeeping club but as a beacon of environmental stewardship, empowering the youth of New Orleans to take tangible actions for a sustainable future. Jacob Dusansky's vision has cultivated a community of environmentally conscious students, sowing the seeds of positive change in the vibrant tapestry of the city.

#BeekeepingClub, #EnvironmentalStewardship, #YouthEmpowerment, #NewOrleansCommunity, #Sustainability

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