Beekeeping Solidarity: Taranaki Beekeepers' Gift to Cyclone-Hit Hawke's Bay

Beekeeping Solidarity: Taranaki Beekeepers' Gift to Cyclone-Hit Hawke's Bay

Beekeeping Solidarity Taranaki Beekeepers' Gift to Cyclone-Hit Hawke's Bay

In a heartening display of solidarity within the beekeeping community, Taranaki Beekeepers Club is dispatching a generous gift to East Coast beekeepers in Hawke's Bay who suffered losses during Cyclone Gabrielle. This act of kindness is not just a donation of 35 hives but also includes a substantial quantity of hive components, totaling around $20,000.

The Taranaki Beekeepers Club, recognizing the emotional attachment amateur beekeepers have to their colonies, initiated this support effort. Beekeeping enthusiasts often view their hives akin to cherished pets, and the impact of losing them goes beyond mere financial loss. The donated hives, each hosting approximately 6,000 to 7,000 bees, symbolize a new beginning for those who faced the devastating loss of their apiaries.

During the floods, both commercial and amateur beekeepers in Hawke's Bay lost 4,000 to 5,000 hives. The Taranaki Beekeepers Club, prioritizing assistance to amateur beekeepers, underscores the communal spirit within the apiculture community.

Club member Ray Scott highlighted the meticulous preparation involved in the donation, with the club splitting their own hives and raising queens in March, September, and October. The hive components and hives, transported to Napier on a ute and trailer, will be equipped with special floors and vents to ensure the well-being of the bees during the journey.

Francis Proffit, a club member, shared plans to distribute the hives to an apiary in Napier, emphasizing the importance of supporting beekeepers who are still recovering from the aftermath of the cyclone.

Amid the challenging times, the beekeeping community's resilience shines through, demonstrating that beyond the buzzing world of hives, there exists a network of individuals ready to lend a helping hand. As the hives journey eastward, they carry not only bees but also the spirit of camaraderie and environmental responsibility that defines the beekeeping community.

#BeekeepingSolidarity, #CycloneGabrielleRelief, #TaranakiBeekeepers, #CommunitySupport, #EnvironmentalResponsibility

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