Busy Bees: Beekeepers Report Good Honey Harvest

Busy Bees: Beekeepers Report Good Honey Harvest

Busy Bees Beekeepers Report Good Honey Harvest

The article discusses this year's honey harvest, which has been favorable for beekeepers due to good weather conditions. According to the specialist center for bees and beekeeping, beekeepers have harvested an average of 36.7 kilograms of honey per colony. This marks an increase of 2.3 kilograms compared to the previous year and a substantial improvement from the rainy year of 2021, where only 18 kilograms were harvested per colony.

The manager of the specialist center, Christoph Otten, attributes the successful harvest to positive weather conditions, which encouraged bees to collect abundant nectar. He also notes that while there was some precipitation, it had a minimal impact on nectar production. Bees can produce up to two kilograms of honey per day under favorable conditions.

In Germany, there are approximately 1.1 million bee colonies and 170,000 beekeepers, with the majority engaged in beekeeping as a hobby or side activity. Beekeepers submitted around 13,000 reports for the industry survey conducted by the specialist center. The survey divided the data into an early harvest (spring) and a summer harvest.

Despite the good honey harvest, the article reports that honey prices have risen, with beekeepers charging 6.50 euros per 500-gram jar of honey, marking a five percent increase compared to the previous year. Christoph Otten explains that the price increases are a response to significantly higher business costs, including a doubling of the price of winter food for bees within a year.

The article also highlights concerns among local beekeepers about cheap honey imports from abroad and the invasive Asian hornet, which preys on bees and can affect their collection behavior. While reports of damage from the Asian hornet have been limited so far, beekeepers remain vigilant regarding this potential threat.

This article provides a factual account of the honey harvest, its causes, and the factors influencing honey prices, making it of interest to beekeepers and those following developments in the beekeeping industry.

#HoneyHarvest, #Beekeeping, #HoneyPrices, #Beekeepers, #AsianHornet, #BeekeepingIndustry

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