Japan Stresses Safety of Fukushima Treated Water at Trilateral Talks

Japan Stresses Safety of Fukushima Treated Water at Trilateral Talks

Japan Stresses Safety of Fukushima Treated Water at Trilateral Talks

In a recent trilateral meeting involving environment ministers from Japan, China, and South Korea, Japan reiterated the safety of its ongoing release of treated radioactive wastewater from the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant into the sea. Environment Minister Shintaro Ito, speaking at the meeting in Nagoya, emphasized that extensive monitoring had confirmed the absence of any adverse impact on people or the environment.

The release of treated water has been a point of contention, with China expressing concerns and implementing a blanket ban on Japanese seafood imports. Chinese Ecology and Environment Minister Huang Runqiu referred to the water as "nuclear-contaminated" and called for responsible consultations with neighboring countries on its disposal.

Japan remains committed to enhancing the reliability of radiation monitoring in the vicinity of the release and maintaining transparency on the issue. The treated water, which has undergone a process to remove most radionuclides except tritium, is diluted with seawater before being discharged into the Pacific Ocean. This action is part of Japan's efforts to decommission the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant, which suffered extensive damage from a massive earthquake and tsunami in March 2011.

The trilateral meeting, an annual event since 1999, facilitates discussions on global and regional environmental matters and fosters cooperation. In addition to addressing the Fukushima water issue, the three nations discussed progress in their collective efforts to combat marine litter, air pollution, and other challenges, guided by a five-year action plan extending to 2025.

Japan's commitment to the safety of the treated water release underscores its determination to address the aftermath of the Fukushima disaster responsibly and in consultation with its neighbors.

🌊🏗️ #FukushimaWater, #SafetyAssurance, #EnvironmentalCooperation

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