Alleyway 'Yellow Paper Plate' Indicates Years of Termite Infestation, Prompting Domestic Emergency

 Alleyway 'Yellow Paper Plate' Indicates Years of Termite Infestation, Prompting Domestic Emergency

Alleyway 'Yellow Paper Plate' Indicates Years of Termite Infestation, Prompting Domestic Emergency

The detection of a single western drywood termite, known for causing extensive damage to wooden structures, on the rooftop of a villa in Changwon, Gyeongnam, has raised concerns about a potential infestation. The invasive species, resistant to moisture, is notorious for causing over 300 billion won in property damage annually in the United States. A joint government investigation team has been deployed to assess the situation and address the implications of the termite presence.

Key Findings

  1. Invasive Species Characteristics:

    • The Changwon termite is identified as a western drywood termite, known for gnawing through wooden houses and furniture.
    • These termites are found both indoors and outdoors and exhibit resistance to moisture.
  2. Extent of Damage:

    • Initial discovery on the villa's rooftop led to a broader investigation by a joint government team.
    • Additional termites and their feces were found in window frames and wood structures within a 100-meter radius of the original discovery.
  3. Long-term Infestation Indicators:

    • Analysis of feces accumulation suggests that the termite colony has been present in the area for several years.
    • The discovery indicates that the infestation might have already become indigenous, raising concerns about potential widespread dispersal.
  4. Arrival and Establishment:

    • The exact entry point and initial arrival timeline of the termites in Changwon remain unclear.
    • Experts suggest that the species may have entered at least a few years ago, adapting to the environment and gradually spreading.
  5. Climate Change Influence:

    • Termites, native to subtropical regions, historically faced challenges in settling in Korea due to cold winters.
    • The rise in temperatures attributed to climate change may have facilitated the successful settlement of termites in southern areas like Changwon.
  6. Control Challenges:

    • Controlling termite infestations poses significant challenges globally, with no country successfully eradicating termite colonies due to the complexity of locating and eliminating them entirely.

Government Response and Citizen Cooperation:

  • The Ministry of Environment has initiated a thorough investigation and encourages citizens to report any suspected harmful alien species.
  • A dedicated reporting center has been established for citizens to submit findings, including photos and location details.


The discovery of western drywood termites in Changwon prompts a coordinated government response to assess the extent of the infestation and implement effective control measures. Ongoing citizen cooperation and reporting are crucial for monitoring and managing potential threats posed by invasive species.

#InvasiveSpecies, #TermiteInfestation, #ClimateChange, #GovernmentResponse, #CitizenCooperation, #Changwon

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