Building Solidarity - A New Era for Disaster Survivors

Building Solidarity - A New Era for Disaster Survivors

Building Solidarity - A New Era for Disaster Survivors

In a pivotal moment for disaster survivors in Korea, the launch of the Disaster Survivors' Organization (Solidarity) marks a new era in collective strength. Over the past 30 years, bereaved families and officials impacted by social disasters, including the Sampoong Department Store disaster (1995), the Daegu subway disaster (2003), and the Sewol ferry disaster (2014), have come together to form the 'Disaster Victims' Coalition.'

Survivors, seated in groups, spoke passionately at the launching ceremony held at the Space Moa Building in Jung-gu, Seoul. More than 120 families and officials from eight disasters, spanning from 1995 to 2017, united in their shared experiences and determination for solidarity.

The survivors, previously scattered across the country, have found a common platform through the 4.16 Foundation since last year. Kim Kwang-joon, Chairman of the foundation, highlighted the evolving awareness of victims' rights, emphasizing the growing importance of solidarity in a changing society.

Ms. Kang Ji-eun, 54, a mother who lost her child in the Sewol ferry disaster, spoke of the power of solidarity during the tragedy. Touching on the warmth provided by fellow citizens amidst political coldness, Ms. Kang took the initiative to organize solidarity among victims. Through the organizing committee, survivors began by commemorating a memorial day, sharing their memories and advocating for a budget to manage the memorial.

The solidarity among survivors transcended the boundaries of individual tragedies, creating a sense of "homogeneity." Their founding declaration expressed the collective goal of preventing others from enduring similar tragedies and providing mutual comfort.

The prevailing pattern of government indifference, avoidance of responsibility, and the resulting secondary offenses has persisted in various tragedies. Mr. Yoon Seok-ki, representing survivors of the Daegu subway disaster, highlighted the recent escalation, with bereaved families becoming targets of partisan attacks. The Solidarity Alliance aims to counter this pathology, offering victims more opportunities to feel supported.

The survivors expressed the need to address online abuse, create spaces for victims to share their stories openly, and establish an atmosphere where victims can come forward without fear.

In conjunction with the launch, a 'side day' event was held to establish the Center for the Rights of Disaster Victims. The center, named "Disaster Victims' Rights Center Woori Together," symbolizes solidarity with bereaved families and citizens. Expected to open around January next year, the center will provide funding, solidarity, and training for disaster victims, striving for transparency and efficiency.

The Solidarity Alliance and the Disaster Victims' Rights Center mark a turning point, ensuring that the voices of bereaved families are heard, remembered, and acted upon. This collective effort represents a powerful step towards creating a society where social disasters are never repeated. 

 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • Q1: What is the Disaster Victims' Coalition?
    • A: It is a coalition of victims from eight social disasters, advocating for the preservation of disaster memories to create a safer society.
  • Q2: How did survivors unite at the launching ceremony of the Disaster Survivors' Organization (Solidarity)?
    • A: Survivors spoke for about three hours at the ceremony, sharing their experiences and expressing hopes for solidarity.
  • Q3: What united survivors of different tragedies?
    • A: A sense of "homogeneity" brought survivors together to prevent others from experiencing similar tragedies and to comfort each other.
  • Q4: What issues have bereaved families faced, according to Mr. Yoon Seok-ki?
    • A: Bereaved families faced government indifference, avoidance of responsibility, and partisan attacks, worsened in recent years.
  • Q5: What is the purpose of the Center for the Rights of Disaster Victims?
    • A: The center aims to provide funding, solidarity, and training for disaster victims, ensuring transparent use of funds and a one-stop service for related proceedings.

#SolidarityAlliance, #DisasterSurvivors, #VictimsRights, #SocialJustice, #CollectiveStrength

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