Gyeonggi-do Special Prosecutor's Office Cracks Down on Illegal Waste Activities

 Gyeonggi-do Special Prosecutor's Office Cracks Down on Illegal Waste Activities

Gyeonggi-do Special Prosecutor's Office Cracks Down on Illegal Waste Activities

  • Gyeonggi-do Special Judicial Police Corps unveils findings on numerous cases of illegal waste disposal and treatment businesses.
  • 118 cases detected, with violations including illegal incineration, unauthorized waste treatment, and non-compliance with waste disposal standards.
  • The office emphasizes the severity of penalties under the Waste Management Act and encourages citizens to report illegal activities.

The Gyeonggi-do Special Prosecutor's Office has taken decisive action against companies engaging in illegal waste disposal and treatment activities, revealing alarming statistics from their investigations.

Scope of Violations: The special prosecutor's office disclosed on the 19th that a total of 118 cases have been identified in their investigations into waste-related businesses this year. Out of these, 95 cases have been forwarded to prosecutors, and the remaining 23 will follow suit pending the conclusion of investigations.

Nature of Violations: The detected violations encompass a range of offenses, including 28 instances of illegal waste incineration and landfilling, 15 cases of unauthorized waste treatment businesses, 42 instances of violating waste disposal standards and compliance, and 33 cases of non-reporting of waste disposal and failure to enter into the Olvaro system.

Case Highlights:

  1. A waste collection and transportation company unlawfully buried and stored wastewater from textile companies, receiving payment below market rates for treatment.
  2. Company B operated an unauthorized waste recycling facility, resulting in the illegal transportation of 32 tons of automobile waste.
  3. A waste recycler breached a contract by re-consigning 110 tons of waste fiber without recycling it, violating the Waste Management Act.

Legal Consequences: Under the Waste Management Act, the penalties for illegal activities are severe. Illegal landfilling can lead to imprisonment for up to seven years or a fine of up to 70 million won. Operating an unauthorized waste treatment business may result in imprisonment for up to five years or a fine of up to 50 million won. Additionally, re-consigning waste entrusted to recyclers can lead to imprisonment for up to two years or a fine of up to 20 million won.

Call to Action: The Gyeonggi-do Special Prosecutor's Office expressed their commitment to eradicating waste-related illegal activities, emphasizing continuous, year-round investigations rather than one-time efforts. They urge citizens to actively report any illegal activities to aid in the fight against improper waste disposal.

Conclusion: The crackdown on illegal waste activities by the Gyeonggi-do Special Prosecutor's Office underscores the gravity of environmental violations. It serves as a reminder of the collective responsibility to protect the environment and ensure proper waste management practices.

Key Takeaways (FAQs):

  1. Q: What are the penalties for illegal landfilling under the Waste Management Act?

    • A: Illegal landfilling can result in imprisonment for up to seven years or a fine of up to 70 million won.
  2. Q: What actions can lead to imprisonment or fines under the Waste Management Act?

    • A: Operating an unauthorized waste treatment business may lead to imprisonment for up to five years or a fine of up to 50 million won.
  3. Q: How can citizens contribute to the fight against illegal waste activities?

    • A: Citizens are encouraged to actively report and share information on illegal activities to aid in continuous investigations.

  1. #WasteManagement, #EnvironmentalProtection, #IllegalWasteActivities, #ProsecutorCrackdown, #ReportEnvironmentalCrimes
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