Nagaland University Paves the Way for Sustainable Beekeeping Entrepreneurship


Nagaland University Paves the Way for Sustainable Beekeeping Entrepreneurship

Nagaland University Paves the Way for Sustainable Beekeeping Entrepreneurship

Nagaland University's School of Agricultural Sciences took a significant stride in advancing beekeeping practices by organizing a one-day training program on "Scientific Meliponiculture and Apiculture for Entrepreneurship Development" in Tseminyu New Town on December 7.

Empowering Beekeepers for Sustainable Practices

The training program, attended by 67 beekeepers from various ranges of Tseminyu district, aimed to equip participants with scientific knowledge and skills essential for successful beekeeping entrepreneurship. The special guest, Logubu, chairman of Ward-2, Tseminyu Town, emphasized the diverse roles played by bees in ecosystem maintenance.

Key Insights and Expert Sessions

Dr. Chauhan led the first technical session, highlighting the crucial role of bees in biodiversity conservation and emphasizing the importance of quality management in beekeeping practices. Lily Tep, an Apitherapist, delved into modern technologies for productive beekeeping and discussed the therapeutic aspects of bee products.

Ngukho, a bee professional from AICRP (HB&P), took the stage in the third session, emphasizing the vital role of bees in pollination. The training program provided insights into colony multiplication, honey extraction, and the use of scientific bee boxes for Stingless bees.

Practical Learning and Equipment Distribution

The training concluded with practical sessions, allowing participants to apply their newfound knowledge. Beekeeping equipment and certificates were distributed to acknowledge and encourage the beekeepers' commitment to scientific apiculture.

Nagaland University's initiative not only contributes to the development of sustainable beekeeping practices but also underscores the importance of bee conservation for the greater ecosystem.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q1: What was the focus of the training program organized by Nagaland University? A1: The training program focused on "Scientific Meliponiculture and Apiculture for Entrepreneurship Development," providing comprehensive insights into scientific beekeeping practices.

Q2: How many beekeepers participated in the training program, and from which areas? A2: A total of 67 beekeepers from seven different ranges of Tseminyu district participated in the training program.

Q3: What were the key topics covered during the training sessions? A3: The training sessions covered the crucial role of bees in biodiversity conservation, quality management in beekeeping practices, modern technologies for productive beekeeping, therapeutic aspects of bee products, and the vital role of bees in pollination.

Q4: Who were the key speakers and facilitators during the training sessions? A4: Dr. Chauhan led the first technical session, Lily Tep discussed modern technologies and therapeutic aspects, and Ngukho focused on the vital role of bees in pollination. Ngukho also provided insights into colony multiplication, honey extraction, and the use of scientific bee boxes for Stingless bees.

Q5: What were the outcomes of the training program, and how did it conclude? A5: The program concluded with practical sessions, and beekeeping equipment and certificates were distributed to the participants. The training aimed to empower beekeepers with knowledge and skills for sustainable and scientific beekeeping practices.

#ScientificApiculture, #BeekeepingEntrepreneurship, #SustainableBeekeeping, #NagalandUniversity, #BeeConservation

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