Unveiling the Veil: Forestry Contracts, Money Trails, and the Need for Transparency

 Unveiling the Veil: Forestry Contracts, Money Trails, and the Need for Transparency

Unveiling the Veil Forestry Contracts, Money Trails, and the Need for Transparency

The Korea Forest Service, in its pursuit of restoration, has poured billions into forestry unions, primarily for veterinary contracts. The legal intricacies, as per Article 26, and the Forest Resources Act, outline the framework for these agreements, adding a layer of specialization and expertise.

In an exclusive interview with a forestry official, the veil over these contracts is lifted. Discover the intricacies of the current affairs window, tracking funds in the Forest Service. The data, spanning six years, reveals a whopping 24,000 projects and over 1.5 trillion won in veterinary contracts.

But here's the twist – the Korea Federation of Forestry Unions claims contracts are around 500 billion won, raising suspicions of deliberate reduction. Why the vast gap in numbers? It's a question echoing in the forestry corridors.

The article digs deeper into the disparity between forest unions and corporations, exposing a potential monopoly fueled by legal clauses. In regions like Inje, Gangneung, and Jeongseon, contracts exceeding 10 billion won each over five years raise eyebrows.

Our investigation unveils intriguing cases of companies operating from homes, receiving multi-million won contracts. The Jeongseon revelation, with over 7 billion won in contracts, sparks questions about legitimacy.

What's more, the forest business landscape reveals unconventional offices – closed schools, uninhabited houses – all registered as legitimate business addresses. The article also touches on the sensitive topic of kickbacks, hinting at unethical practices in the business.

Join us in unraveling the complexities of Korea's forestry contracts, exploring the legal frameworks, budget discrepancies, and the pressing need for transparency. It's time to bring the forest's secrets into the light.

#Professional, #Forestry, #Transparency, #KoreaForestService, #Contracts

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