Concerns Rise Over Oil Slicks Near Noto Peninsula Nuclear Plant After Earthquake


Concerns Rise Over Oil Slicks Near Noto Peninsula Nuclear Plant After Earthquake

Concerns Rise Over Oil Slicks Near Noto Peninsula Nuclear Plant After Earthquake

Tokyo, Japan - Following a 7.6-magnitude earthquake on New Year's Day in the Noto Peninsula, Ishikawa Prefecture, another environmental concern arises as large oil slicks are discovered near the Shika Nuclear Power Plant. Here are the key details:

Oil Slick Discovery:

  1. Date and Location:

    • First Incident: An oil slick was found on the seas around the Shika Nuclear Power Plant on New Year's Day.
    • Recent Incident: Another giant oil slick, approximately 100 meters across and 30 meters wide, was confirmed on Tuesday near the plant's drainage system.
  2. Operator's Report:

    • Hokuriku Electric Power Company, operating the Shika Nuclear Power Plant, reported the recent oil slick to the Nuclear Regulatory Agency.
  3. Previous Incidents:

    • A 10-meter-wide by 5-meter-wide oil slick was reported on July 7, raising concerns about the environmental impact.

Explanation by Hokuriku Electric Power:

  1. Radioactive Content:

    • The operator, Hokuriku Electric Power, emphasized that the oil does not contain radioactive substances, ensuring no impact on the outside world.
  2. Previous Oil Leak:

    • The Shika Nuclear Power Plant experienced an oil leak after the March 1 earthquake, where a damaged transformer pipe led to the release of more than 23,000 liters of oil.

Response and Concerns:

  1. Japan Nuclear Regulatory Commission:

    • At a recent meeting, the Commission highlighted the urgency of restoring transformers at the Shika plant and reviewing earthquake countermeasures.
    • Concerns were raised about potential damage to remaining transformers from aftershocks.
  2. Commissioner's Statements:

    • A commissioner emphasized expediting restoration and identifying the cause, considering the possibility of further damage from aftershocks.
    • Questions were raised about the adequacy of the response after the quake, urging a review of existing measures.
  3. Hokuriku's Reassurance:

    • Despite transformer damage, Hokuriku maintains that the earthquake did not compromise the safety of the plant.

Additional Earthquake Impact:

  1. Water Level and Tsunami:
    • Hokuriku Electric Power stated that the earthquake did not alter the water level around the Shika Nuclear Power Plant.
    • However, it confirmed a 3-meter tsunami reaching the plant one and a half hours after the October 10 earthquake.

The discovery of oil slicks near the Shika Nuclear Power Plant adds environmental concerns to the aftermath of the New Year's Day earthquake. The incident prompts a reevaluation of safety measures and a thorough investigation into potential environmental impacts.

  1. #ShikaNuclearPlant, #OilSlick, #EarthquakeAftermath, #NuclearSafety, #EnvironmentalImpact
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