Global Experts Rank Climate Change as the Top Threat in 2024

 Global Experts Rank Climate Change as the Top Threat in 2024

Global Experts Rank Climate Change as the Top Threat in 2024

The World Economic Forum's Global Risk Report 2024 reveals that climate change is identified as the most significant threat to humanity this year, surpassing concerns about artificial intelligence (AI). The report collected responses from 1,490 experts worldwide who selected from 34 global risks. "Extreme weather" received 66% of the votes, ranking it as the foremost concern. Following closely were "AI-generated fake information" and "social and political confrontation," chosen by 53% and 46% of respondents, respectively.

The report highlights the urgency of climate change as a major global challenge, with last summer being the hottest in the Northern Hemisphere since weather records began. The El Niño phenomenon, expected to persist until May, contributes to global warming. Additionally, the survey underscores the impact of fake news, especially concerning as 76 countries hold elections this year, potentially exposing 4.2 billion people to disinformation.

In India, where a significant general election is scheduled for April/May, respondents considered disinformation their top risk. The "cost of living crisis" ranked fourth among global concerns, followed by worries about inflation and recession.

The report also addresses the cybersecurity landscape, highlighting North Korea's involvement in cyberattacks. It references a hacker ring believed to be linked to North Korea, allegedly stealing $200 million in cryptocurrency and potentially funding the country's nuclear development program.

While the current global economic outlook is characterized as a "soft landing," short-term prospects remain uncertain. Looking ahead, experts become more pessimistic about the global situation, with 27% and 54% foreseeing a "turbulent" and "unsettled" outlook for the two-year horizon, compared to 46% and 29% for the 10-year horizon.

The Global Risk Report aims to identify risks that, if realized, would significantly impact global GDP, population, or natural resources. The study involved participants from academia, business, government, and international organizations, conducting the survey between September 4 and October 9 of the previous year. Additionally, the report includes a country risk perception survey, where South Korean respondents highlighted concerns such as economic recession, household debt, bursting asset bubbles, and labor shortages.

#ClimateChange, #GlobalRiskReport, #WEF, #ArtificialIntelligence, #FakeNews, #Cybersecurity, #EconomicOutlook, #GlobalThreats

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