Korea Meteorological Administration Introduces Climate Change Situation Map


Korea Meteorological Administration Introduces Climate Change Situation Map

Korea Meteorological Administration Introduces Climate Change Situation Map

The Korea Meteorological Administration unveiled its pioneering 'Climate Change Situation Map' on January 12th, initiating a pilot service to empower users in understanding climate change patterns up to the year 2100.

Key Features of the Climate Change Situation Map:

The Climate Change Situation Map is designed to offer users comprehensive insights into climate information for a specific area. Key features include:

  1. Climate Factors: Users can explore four essential climate factors - maximum, average, and minimum temperatures, precipitation, relative humidity, and wind speed.

  2. Extreme Climate Indices: The map provides 27 extreme climate indices, offering a numerical representation of temperature and precipitation-related extreme weather events. These include heat wave days, tropical night days, cold wave days, heavy rain days, and maximum daily precipitation, among others.

Functionality and User Experience:

The Climate Change Situation Map enables users to intuitively check, compare, and analyze detailed climate change information. Users can explore global and South Korean climate data through distribution maps categorized by era (before, middle, and late 21st century), year (decade), season, and month.

Data Sources and Accuracy:

The information displayed on the map is sourced from the National Climate Change Standard Scenario, linked to the Common Socioeconomic Pathway (SSP) scenario. This ensures accuracy and reliability in predicting future climate factors. The Common Socioeconomic Pathway is a scenario used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) for projecting greenhouse gas emissions based on anticipated socioeconomic changes worldwide by 2100.

Future Plans and Service Expansion:

The Korea Meteorological Administration plans to enhance the pilot service throughout the year. Future additions include global atmospheric monitoring data on greenhouse gases, ozone, and ocean climate change scenarios. The full-fledged service is expected to launch in December, aligning with the growing importance of climate change scenarios for various stakeholders.

Importance of Climate Change Information:

Recognizing the increasing relevance of climate change information beyond climate experts, the head of the Korea Meteorological Administration emphasized its significance in the context of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) disclosure. The administration aims to facilitate easy utilization of future climate change predictions for both businesses and individuals.

  1. #ClimateChangeMap, #MeteorologicalAdministration, #ClimateChangeData, #ESGDisclosure, #Sustainability
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