India's Beekeeping and Honey Industries: Addressing Challenges and Shaping the Future
In a conversation with Shahid Akhter, director of the India Honey Alliance (IHA), Namrata Khanna sheds light on the challenges facing India's beekeeping and honey industries and emphasizes the need for a more scientifically grounded approach.
Honey Consumption in India: Current Trends Honey holds a significant place in Indian tradition, used from birth ceremonies to funerals. However, its consumption primarily revolves around medicinal purposes. Despite its versatility, honey remains underutilized in desserts and culinary applications. The diversity of Indian honey, including Litchi, Tulsi, Eucalyptus, and Mustard variants, remains largely untapped domestically, with the bulk of Mustard honey production exported. Increasing honey consumption requires heightened consumer awareness and government initiatives to promote its integration into daily diets.
Challenges in the Indian Honey Market The honey market faces multifaceted challenges, notably in beekeeping practices. Inadequate training, scientific knowledge, and governmental support hinder beekeepers' progress. The absence of comprehensive studies on Indian honey varieties limits quality assurance and consumer awareness. Insufficient data on beekeepers and honey production further complicates policymaking and industry regulation.
The Mission of the Indian Honey Alliance Established in 2021, the India Honey Alliance aims to elevate Indian honey to a global standard. The alliance, comprising major brands like Dabur, Patanjali, and Hamdard, collaborates with the government to address industry concerns and streamline standards. By bridging science and industry, the alliance emphasizes evidence-based practices, consumer education, and quality assurance. Partnerships with institutions like NIFTEM focus on training, development, and scientific research to propel the honey industry forward.
The Role of Science and Collaboration The convergence of science, industry, and government forms the cornerstone of the honey industry's evolution. The establishment of a Scientific Advisory Board comprising eminent scientists underscores the commitment to evidence-based decision-making and industry advancement. Collaborative efforts aim to dispel myths, enhance consumer awareness, and foster sustainable beekeeping practices.
As India navigates the complexities of its beekeeping and honey industries, a concerted effort involving stakeholders at all levels is essential to unlock the sector's full potential and secure its prominence in domestic and international markets.