Insufficient Forest Targets in National Climate Plans: A Growing Concern


Insufficient Forest Targets in National Climate Plans: A Growing Concern

As the world grapples with the escalating climate crisis, a recent UN-REDD report highlights a significant gap in the national climate action plans of many countries. Despite global commitments to halt deforestation by 2030, only eight of the top 20 countries with the highest rates of tropical deforestation have set quantified forest targets in their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). This shortfall is a critical concern as forests are essential in mitigating climate change.

1. The Importance of Forests in Climate Action

Forests play a pivotal role in regulating the Earth's climate. They help mitigate climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide, stabilizing hydrological cycles, buffering temperature extremes, and protecting biodiversity. According to the UN-REDD report, forests have the potential to contribute up to one-third of the emissions reductions needed to meet the 2030 targets outlined in the Paris Agreement.

2. Current Shortcomings in National Climate Plans

The report, titled “Raising Ambition, Accelerating Action: Towards Enhanced Nationally Determined Contributions for Forests,” reveals that the current NDCs submitted between 2017 and 2023 are insufficient to meet the global ambition of halting and reversing deforestation by 2030. Only 11 of the NDCs contain quantified targets related to afforestation and reforestation. However, reducing deforestation is crucial because the carbon lost through deforestation takes many years to recapture through afforestation and restoration efforts.

3. The Need for Enhanced and Consistent Goals

Dechen Tsering, Acting Director of UNEP’s Climate Division, emphasizes the urgency of setting ambitious and actionable forest conservation goals in the NDCs due in 2025. These goals must build on existing national environmental policies and support Indigenous Peoples and local communities, who are the frontline stewards of forests. Enhanced NDC ambition should include integrating strategies to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, which 15 of the 20 countries have already adopted.

4. The Call for International Collaboration and Financial Support

The report calls for urgent international collaboration to enhance NDC ambition. As countries prepare for the next round of NDCs for COP30, known as NDCs 3.0, it is crucial to include concrete, measurable targets on forests. Additionally, there is a need for predictable financial support at scale for forest-rich countries to implement these ambitious plans.

5. The Consequences of Inaction

If the current trajectory continues, the global community risks missing the 2030 goal to halt deforestation, similar to the unmet 2020 goal to halve forest loss. This would have severe implications for climate regulation, biodiversity, and human health. Immediate and substantial action is required to avoid these tremendous risks.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What are Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)?
A: NDCs are national climate action plans submitted by countries outlining their efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climate change impacts.

Q: Why are forests important in combating climate change?
A: Forests absorb carbon dioxide, stabilize hydrological cycles, buffer temperature extremes, and protect biodiversity, making them crucial for mitigating climate change.

Q: What does the UN-REDD report say about current NDCs?
A: The report indicates that current NDCs are insufficient to meet global deforestation targets, with only eight out of the top 20 deforestation-prone countries having quantified forest targets.

Q: What is needed to enhance NDC ambition for forests?
A: Countries need to set ambitious, consistent, detailed, and actionable goals for forest conservation, restoration, and sustainable use, integrating existing national strategies and supporting local communities.

Q: How can international collaboration help in achieving forest targets?
A: International collaboration can provide the necessary financial support and policy coordination to help forest-rich countries implement ambitious forest conservation and restoration plans.


  • #ClimateAction
  • #ForestConservation
  • #Deforestation
  • #NDCs
  • #SustainableFuture
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