Honeybees are making a comeback


Honeybees are making a comeback

Change in farms with honeybee colonies 🐝

2017 to 2022

Choropleth map showing the change in the number of farms with honeybee colonies from 2017 to 2022. The data ranges from -15.6% in New Mexico to +85.9% in Rhode Island. The change in the U.S. overall is +21.2%.
Data: USDA Census of Agriculture; Note: Farms include places that produce/sell at least $1,000 of agricultural products; Map: Axios Visuals

Honeybees have made a big comeback since the colony collapse crisis of the early 2000s. Now, these tiny creatures are the fastest-growing livestock in the country.

By the numbers: In Iowa, the number of colonies grew more than 25% in five years, from 1,383 in 2017 to 1,735 in 2022, per the USDA Census of Agriculture.

Yes, but: Research also suggests that despite the population increases, honey yields in the U.S. have been decreasing since the 1990s because of changing climates and diminished soil productivity.

Worthy of your time: For any wannabe beekeepers, the Iowa Honey Producers Association keeps track of city beekeeping ordinances.

  • The association will again host live exhibits and showcase products in the Agricultural Building during the Iowa State Fair, starting Aug. 8.
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