Pebble Hill Plantation offers beginner beekeeping class

 Pebble Hill Plantation offers beginner beekeeping class

The Learning Center at Pebble Hill Plantation is offering a beginner beekeeping class with Master Beekeeper Brandon McKenny on Aug. 24 from 4-6 p.m. This informative class will cover the basics of beekeeping and its benefits. The class will be held indoors.

Beekeeping in the United States began in the 1600s when European colonists brought honey bees with them to their new settlements. Bees were utilized for their honey and for their wax. The use of bees as pollinators was first recorded in the 1750s.

Topics of this class will include information on honey bee biology, beekeeping tools, honey bee pests, how to manage them, and the joys of collecting honey. This class is ideal for anyone who has ever considered beekeeping as a hobby or simply wants to learn more about how to provide habitats to help bee populations flourish.

McKenny earned a Master Beekeeper certification from the University of Florida and is owner of At All the Buzz Apiaries, a small but rapidly growing veteran-owned and -operated apiary located in Tallahassee, Fla. The apiary provides raw local honey to the surrounding areas and offers a wide range of services, including pollination for farmers, hive consulting and management for beekeepers.

McKenny also offers hands-on training, education and mentorship for new beekeepers and non-beekeepers alike. Honey will be available for purchase at the class.

Tickets are $20, which also will include free admission to tour the grounds and outbuildings at Pebble Hill before the class begins. For more information, visit the Pebble Hill website, call (229) 226-2344, or visit us on Facebook and Instagram using @pebblehillplantation.

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