Park Slope Parents Panic as ‘Hornets’ Invade Backyard Bees

 Park Slope Parents Panic as ‘Hornets’ Invade Backyard Bees

Park Slope Parents Panic as ‘Hornets’ Invade Backyard Bees

Park Slope Parents Panic as ‘Hornets’ Invade Backyard BeesPark Slope Parents Panic as ‘Hornets’ Invade Backyard Bees Park Slope, Brooklyn – Panic gripped parents as reports of “hornets” invading backyard beehives emerged on local social media groups. According to residents, numerous large, buzzing insects were seen flying around beehives in their backyards, prompting concerns about the safety of their children and pets. “We noticed these giant, angry insects swarming our beehive,” said one parent, who wished to remain anonymous. “They were so aggressive, we had to run inside for cover.” The insects were initially identified as hornets, setting off a wave of fear among parents. However, upon closer inspection by local beekeepers, it was determined that the invaders were actually wasps. While wasps can be intimidating and painful if they sting, they are not as aggressive as true hornets. However, their presence still poses a threat to bees, as wasps can prey on honeybees and their larvae. “This is a concerning development for our bee population,” said local beekeeper Amy Carter. “If the wasps are not controlled, they could decimate our beehives.” The invasion of wasps is likely due to a combination of factors, including the warm weather, the abundance of food sources, and the close proximity of homes to beehives. Parents in Park Slope are urged to remain cautious and avoid disturbing the wasps. If they encounter a wasp, they should move away calmly and avoid any sudden movements. Local beekeepers and pest control companies are working to mitigate the situation and protect the bee population. Residents are advised to contact these professionals if they observe wasps in their backyards. “We must act quickly to protect our bees and prevent a potential crisis,” said Park Slope Cooperative Nursery School Director Sarah Henderson. “These insects are vital to our ecosystem and deserve our attention.”

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