The secret to Dalmatian honey – a newly protected product

 The secret to Dalmatian honey – a newly protected product

The secret to Dalmatian honey – a newly protected product

“Dalmatinski med” (Dalmatian honey) has received the European protected designation of origin status, as announced by the European Commission in the Official Journal of the European Union on 1 August 2024.

This designation means that the product name is now registered in the geographical indications register for agricultural products and is protected throughout the European Union, the  Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries announced.

The EU’s protected designation of origin logo, which appears on the packaging, assures consumers that they are purchasing an authentic product.

The process to protect the name “Dalmatinski med” was initiated by the Dalmatian Beekeepers Association, which submitted a request to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries for the designation of origin under the name “Dalmatian honey.”

“Dalmatinski med” is produced by colonies of grey bees from the nectar of sage, thorn bush, heather, mastic tree, mandarin, and from honeydew found on the Norway maple and other deciduous species growing in Dalmatia.



The diverse floral composition of Dalmatia, along with its geographical and climatic factors and long-standing beekeeping traditions, have contributed to a rich beekeeping heritage, encompassing the knowledge and skills needed for the optimal utilisation of foraging resources.

This vegetation allows for the production of various types of high-quality “Dalmatinski med.”

The botanical uniqueness of this region is reflected in the specific pollen profile and sensory properties of “Dalmatinski med.”

The production methods of “Dalmatian honey” are closely linked to the skills of local beekeepers, who draw on years of experience and tradition passed down through generations.

This high level of beekeeping expertise, combined with the unique characteristics of the defined geographical area, enables the production of honey with specific qualities.

Dalmatian honey

You can view the product specification for “Dalmatinski med” here.

The Republic of Croatia now has 51 products whose names are registered in the European Union as protected designation of origin, protected geographical indication, or guaranteed traditional speciality.

These are recorded in the geographical indications register for agricultural products and the Union’s register of guaranteed traditional specialities. In addition to the newly registered name “Dalmatinski med,” other registered product names include:

Samoborski bermet, Krčki pršut, Ekstra djevičansko maslinovo ulje Cres, Neretvanska mandarina, Ogulinsko kiselo zelje / Ogulinski kiseli kupus, Baranjski kulen, Lički krumpir, Istarski pršut / Istrski pršut, Drniški pršut, Dalmatinski pršut, Poljički soparnik / Poljički zeljanik / Poljički uljenjak, Zagorski puran

Krčko maslinovo ulje, Korčulansko maslinovo ulje, Paška janjetina, Šoltansko maslinovo ulje, Varaždinsko zelje, Slavonski kulen / Slavonski kulin, Međimursko meso ‘z tiblice, Slavonski med, Lička janjetina, Istra, Paška sol, Zagorski mlinci, Paški sir, Bjelovarski kvargl, Brački varenik, Varaždinski klipič, Malostonska kamenica, Rudarska greblica, Dalmatinska pečenica

Dalmatinska panceta, Lički škripavac, Bračko maslinovo ulje, Zagorski bagremov med, Zagorski štrukli / Zagorski štruklji, Meso istarskog goveda – boškarina / Meso istrskega goveda – boškarina, Samoborska češnjovka / Samoborska češnofka, Lumblija, Goranski medun

Dalmatinska janjetina, Slavonska kobasica, Komiški rogač,  Novigradska dagnja, Varaždinsko bučino ulje, Meso turopoljske svinje, Meso crne slavonske svinje, Ludbreški hren, Vrbovečka pera and Istarski med / Istrski med.

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