who is a long-term campaigner for bees

who is a long-term campaigner for bees 

who is a long-term campaigner for bees

West of England Mayor Dan Norris MP – who is a long-term campaigner for bees – has welcomed the news that the Labour Government plan to change existing policies to prevent the use of bee -killing pesticides.

It came after Mr Norris asked a formal Parliamentary question on neonicotinoids.

Despite the pesticide theoretically being banned, the previous Government ignored independent advice from the Expert Committee on Pesticides and approved the use of this harmful chemical on our fields in 2022, 2023 and 2024

Now in answer to Mr Norris’s question the Minister said: “This government recognises that nature is at a crisis point across Britain. We will therefore change existing policies to prevent the use of those neonicotinoid pesticides that threaten our vital pollinators.”

Mr Norris said: “This welcome news has got me buzzing. The Conservatives policy was a nonsense – saying a chemical was banned but allowing its use every year. This is a breath of fresh air. Bees are vital in our gardens, farms and lives. Their health should be non-negotiable.”

The Mayor has an aim of turning the West of England into the Bee and Pollinator Capital of the UK. Through the West of England £1+ million Pollinator Fund 620,000 square metres of bee-friendly habitat are being created.

97% of flower meadows have been lost since the 1970s. The UK has lost 13 bee species in recent years with another 35 at risk because of climate change, habitat loss, and bee-killing pesticides

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