First-time visitor finds Fresno’s downtown to be a sorry sight. ‘Try something — anything’


First-time visitor finds Fresno’s downtown to be a sorry sight. ‘Try something — anything’

As a first-time visitor, my recent drive through downtown Fresno was shocking. The term “post-apocalyptic” came to mind. If I were mayor, I’d simply apologize, resign, and beg someone else to give the job a shot, please, for the sake of basic decency.

The “Reagan revolution” has hollowed out America. Yet many voters slavishly continue to vote for Republicans. That is the case in Fresno, I soon discovered. How on earth can anyone look at the downtown, and think, “Boy, we should stay the course on this! Looking great!”

Fresno needs to do something radically different. Just throw a giant plastic tarp over the whole thing, hang a “Reopening in 2026” sign, and make that American city something worthy of the word. Forget the current plan of shuffling around the homeless like deck chairs on the Titanic. Build something there that the people can be proud of, that they will want to nurture and protect.

Fresno’s downtown core has incredible potential. Anyone with an ounce of vision can see what it could be under the right leadership: A busting, beautiful urban center with wonderful architecture and a vibrant cultural tapestry.

For goodness sake, try something —anything—other than what you’re doing.

Sean Shealy, San Luis Obispo

No farm workers left?

Fresno is my hometown and where I lived the majority of my adult life. I was surprised this summer, while attending a family reunion, to see a large billboard on Highway 99 between Visalia and Fresno with the message “Farmers for Trump.”

I couldn’t help but think these farmers will have a large part of their farm worker crews decimated by Trump’s policy of mass deportation.

I can imagine what catastrophic economic fallout that will cause for us, who buy the harvests of these crops for our families. Think!

Terry Dickey, Springfield

Social Security for law officers

I am writing to express my sincere gratitude to Rep. David Valadao for signing the discharge petition for H.R. 82, the Social Security Fairness Act of 2023, forcing a vote of this historic bill on the House floor.

This crucial bill would finally repeal the Windfall Elimination Provision and Government Pension Offset, which unfairly reduce the Social Security benefits of millions of public servants, including police officers like me.

During my 27 years of service in the Fresno County Sheriff’s Department, I’ve witnessed too many of my colleagues be forced into early retirement due to the physical and emotional toll of the job, only to be denied the full Social Security benefits they paid for throughout their careers. The WEP and GPO provisions rob us of hard-earned financial security when we need it most. Police officers and other public servants should not have to struggle to make ends meet in retirement.

Valadao’s leadership in pushing this bipartisan legislation forward will have a lasting impact across California and the nation, ensuring officers receive the retirement security they deserve. We are grateful for his continued support in righting this decades-old wrong.

Eric Schmidt, Fresno

How to make pets unpalatable

After hearing about the dog and cat problem in Springfield, Ohio, I have come upon a cautionary method to help prevent the further spread of these gruesome feline and dog eating orgies.

It’s really quite simple: Change zoning codes in all U.S. cities and counties to prevent Haitians from buying or renting homes or apartments within 2 miles of a zoo or public park. Require the dowsing of all pet cats and dogs that venture outside with cayenne pepper to make them unpalatable, even to Haitians. And last, when you take your cat or dog for a walk, put them on a leash!

Wait, you say that Trump’s and vice presidential candidate JD Vance’s statements about Haitians eating dogs and cats in Springfield was all a lie to garner some free press? And that the bruhaha that those lies created that gave rise to bomb scares and death threats, and schools being closed, and hat panicked school children was all a cheap political lie?

You should be ashamed of yourselves if that is even possible.

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