Manitoba beekeeper invites people to help end world hunger


Manitoba beekeeper invites people to help end world hunger

A beekeeper who is also working to help end world hunger through the Canadian Foodgrains Bank is encouraging other beekeepers to rally for the cause.

"I've been keeping bees for nine years now in Winnipeg," says Gordon Janzen, a regional representative of Canadian Foodgrains Bank in Manitoba and Northwest Ontario. "I have four hives in my backyard. I really enjoy working with bees."

Normally, Foodgrains has farmers across Manitoba who partner with them to raise funds for people who need food. Last year for the first time seven beekeepers in Manitoba raised nearly $17,000 for Foodgrains, and Janzen encourages more to get involved. 

"People are incredibly generous and creative in their fundraising," says Janzen. "Our work is to address global hunger. I thought, why should the graingrowers have all the fun? Why not beekeepers. It's an invitation for beekeepers to commit the proceeds of a number of hives from their operation to this growing project."

The reality is that 757 million people around the world experience chronic hunger. 

"I've really enjoyed bringing together international issues of global hunger but working with rural people and farmers, as well as the faith connections and involvement with churches."

Anyone interested in helping the Foodgrains Bank, including beekeepers, can find more information here

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