Tribal people of Palamalai in Coimbatore initiated into scientific beekeeping by TNAU


Tribal people of Palamalai in Coimbatore initiated into scientific beekeeping by TNAU

Tribal residents of Palamalai village in Coimbatore district have been initiated into scientific beekeeping for improving livelihood and enhancing nutritional security by the Department of Agricultural Entomology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University.

Under Project Madhuram, the Corporate Social Responsibility initiative of Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL), villagers of Perumbathi, Kunjoorpathi, Perukkapathi, and Manguli hamlets of Palamalai, were imparted training earlier this week in ‘Beekeeping and Distribution of Beekeeping Appliances’.

The project endorsing honey production as an alternative source of income generation warrants mandatory training for the people of Palamalai village in Naickenpalayam panchayat in Periyanaickenpalayam block.

V.R. Saminathan, Professor, Department of Agricultural Entomology apprised the tribal villagers about Indian honey bee colonies, honey bee species, types, and colony organisation, sensitising them to the roles of queen bee, drone and worker bees; seasonal management of bee colonies; dividing and uniting of colonies, and harvesting of honey.

By generating additional income from producing bee products such as honey, pollen, wax, and propolis, the tribal people gain a sense of confidence and peace of mind, said Prof. Saminathan.

Artificial feeding is essential to the bees during dearth periods like summer and winter. Sugar (1 kg) and water (1 litre) should be mixed in a ratio of 1:1 and provided to the bee colonies at 200 ml/hive, G. Preetha, Associate Professor, added.

People can use bee veils, gloves, and smokers to be protected from bee stings. Honey can be extracted from the sealed super frame using an extractor by centrifugal force, she said, sharing her experience in beekeeping with the tribal people.

The participants learnt about the different types of pests and diseases affecting honey bees and the control measures from C. Sowmiya, senior research fellow in the department, who also made a presentation on the flora in and around Palamalai hills for foraging by the honey bees. Ms. Sowmiya later demonstrated smoker usage for handling of bees and extraction of honey with honey extractor.

Sharing his experience, a successful apiculturist, L. Vellingiri of Perukapathy, spoke on how proper maintenance of the bee colonies can pave way for optimal honey attraction.

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