Weather: Mediterranean still warm, bad omen?


Weather: Mediterranean still warm, bad omen?

The temperatures of the Italian seas, above the seasonal average, continue to retain an abnormal amount of thermal energy.

All this despite the significant thermal drop caused by the influence of cold currents coming from Northern Europe.

These currents have reduced the normal dispersion of marine heat into the atmosphere, thus conserving a significant amount of energy in the waters.

This factor has a direct impact on the energy balance of the sea, altering the usual thermal exchanges with the environment.  

 European seas

In the broader context of European seas, it is evident that temperatures are generally above seasonal averages, with the Eastern Mediterranean recording particularly pronounced warming.

From May to today, this area has not been affected by cold air incursions, contributing to keeping the sea unusually warm.

In particular, the Black Sea stands out for its exceptional temperatures, which exceed the seasonal average by about 4°C.

This accentuated warming in the eastern waters is concerning, as it can have serious consequences on the weather and climate of the region.   Moving to the Atlantic Ocean, weather conditions show cooling along the European coasts, extending to the Iberian Peninsula.

However, even though the waters are colder than usual, the accumulated energy is still significant.

This is evidenced by the extreme weather phenomena that have recently hit these regions, such as violent storms and floods.

Continuing south, along the coasts of Morocco, marine temperatures do not seem particularly high, but floods have still occurred, demonstrating how the energy stored in the seas can still generate extreme weather phenomena.  

Prospects for October

Looking at the weather forecasts for October, the return of the African Anticyclone is expected, which will mainly affect Central and Southern Italy.

This anticyclone will tend to bring more summer-like than autumnal weather conditions, with temperatures remaining above the seasonal average, especially towards the end of September.

Its expansion towards Northern Italy could limit the arrival of Atlantic disturbances, keeping temperatures high.

This scenario could extend the summer even beyond the middle of the month, prolonging the warm period beyond the usual.  

The era of extreme weather phenomena

The current global weather situation highlights that our planet is going through an era of extreme weather phenomena, where violent and unexpected climatic events occur more frequently.

This trend does not seem likely to change in the near future, fueled by the increase in temperatures and the abnormal conditions observed in the seas and oceans.

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