Autumn 2024 in Italy: the WEATHER reflects the trends of recent years


Autumn 2024 in Italy: the WEATHER reflects the trends of recent years

 The autumn in Italy of 2024 has so far proven to be a relatively normal season compared to the meteorological and climatic parameters to which the new millennium has accustomed us.

This period, famous for its unpredictability, has seen a trend that falls within the typical patterns of recent years.

The average temperatures have been slightly higher than historical averages, still remaining consistent with expectations in a context of climate change.

The maximum and minimum temperatures have remained within usual values, with warm days followed by cooler nights, reflecting a certain regularity in daily thermal oscillations.   The precipitation has shown an irregular trend but has been fairly well distributed over most of the Italian peninsula.

The usual autumn instability has brought frequent disturbances, but without particularly intense extreme weather phenomena, except in some localized areas.

This type of trend is the result of large-scale atmospheric conditions, characterized by the presence of areas of high pressure alternating with passages of disturbance fronts coming from the Atlantic.

In practice, the alternation between periods of stability and more disturbed phases is fully in line with expectations for the Italian autumn, especially considering the evolution of circulation models in recent years.   Northern ItalyCentral Italy, and Southern Italy have experienced different conditions, as often happens in autumn.

The regions of the North have been affected by a higher frequency of precipitation compared to the South, where the presence of high pressure conditions has often guaranteed more stable and sunny days.

This regional variability reflects the typical influence of Atlantic disturbances, which tend to affect the North and Tyrrhenian areas more, while the South remains under the protection of the subtropical anticyclone.   Another characteristic phenomenon of this season has been the high humidity during the night and early morning hours, which has favored the formation of fog in the plains and valleys of Northern Italy, particularly in the Po Valley.

These fog banks are a distinctive element of autumn and testify that, despite climate changes, certain traditional aspects of the Italian climate are still significantly present.

The fog represents a clear signal of nighttime atmospheric stability and thermal inversions, phenomena that often occur during this period of the year.   the weather conditions have followed a predictable trend.

The autumn of 2024 has seen temperatures generally above the seasonal average but without excessive deviations, and a distribution of rainfall that reflects the typical dynamics of the Italian peninsula.

The precipitation has been abundant especially in the North, while Central Italy and the southern regions, particularly Sardinia and Sicily, have experienced a drier and more stable climate.

It is interesting to note how these variations, although influenced by climate change, still retain many of the typical features of the autumn season.   The temperatures have generally ranged between 15°C and 20°C during the day in the regions of Central Italy and Southern Italy, with higher peaks on days of greater atmospheric stability.

In Northern Italy, however, cooler temperatures have been recorded, especially in mountainous areas, with values often dropping below 10°C during the night.

The typical thermal oscillation has seen, as mentioned, mild days followed by cool nights, confirming the classic thermal trend of October and November.   Another noteworthy element has been the arrival of the first snowfalls at high altitudes in the Alps during the second half of October, indicating that autumn is advancing and the cold is gradually gaining ground.

These snowfalls have mainly affected altitudes above 1500-1800 meters, accumulating snow depths ranging from 10 cm to 30 cm, without extreme events.   In terms of winds, the regions exposed to Atlantic disturbances, particularly the North-West and the Tyrrhenian coasts, have recorded moderate winds coming from the West-Southwest, which have helped to maintain high humidity and bring rain.

In Southern Italy and the Main Islands, however, the action of the anticyclone has favored weaker winds and a lower incidence of disturbances, with predominantly good weather conditions.   the autumn of 2024 in Italy appears to be fully in line with the trends of recent years, marked by a slight increase in temperatures, but still deeply linked to the typicality of the Mediterranean autumn climate.

The warm days, the disturbances alternating with periods of stability, and the formation of fog remain distinctive signs of the season, which, despite the ongoing changes, retains a continuity with the past.
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