Foz do Iguaçu, elections and climate change


Foz do Iguaçu, elections and climate change

For most of us, the penny has already dropped: we live in a time of climate instability, accelerated by human action. Extreme events are increasingly common, which requires, at the very least, adaptations.

Far from the sea, the Foz do Iguaçu region is exposed to phenomena such as prolonged droughts, heat waves, gales, above-average rainfall, hail and abnormal lightning strikes.

On hot days, insufficient tree cover and constant power outages and/or lack of water are already problems that affect residents. Storms, in turn, cause various damages in various regions of the city.

Before continuing, it is important to emphasize that the city has experienced and qualified professionals to deal with emergencies, in organizations such as the Fire Department, Civil Defense, Itaipu Binacional, Copel, Sanepar, health and social assistance services.

But since human resources alone are not enough, it is worth asking: what kind of structure is being prepared so that the Land of the Falls is capable of dealing with the “new normal” of the climate?

The issue is broad and also involves public health (see the current dengue epidemic), housing policies, responsible urban planning, food security and a series of other aspects.

The time to shake off the dust and make the issue visible is now, since in October we will go to the polls to elect a mayor, deputy mayor and 15 councilors.

What plans will future candidates have to prepare the city? Will there be any kind of priority for discussing the issue during the campaign? And, most importantly, will the winners put their proposals into practice?

Throughout the year, the H2FOZ will keep this discussion alive, in daily reports, special features and opinion articles.

In time: residents and entities of Foz do Iguaçu are collecting donations to help victims of the floods in Rio Grande do Sul.

Places such as the bus station, the international airport and the Sindhotéis headquarters (Jardim Central) are some of the points where you can donate hygiene items, cleaning materials, clothes, blankets and non-perishable food. If it is within your reach, please help.

Have a good week!

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