Weather: return of ABNORMAL HEAT, here’s where and when


Weather: return of ABNORMAL HEAT, here’s where and when

Around mid-October, the weather pattern in Italy could ⁢change drastically.

After days ⁢of instability and autumn temperatures, a‌ robust rise‍ of the Anticyclone could bring⁣ a wave of anomalous heat, but not for everyone; we are talking about the central-southern regions and the major islands.

The⁢ main meteorological models⁤ confirm the influx of warm currents⁣ from North Africa, which will push towards the central ‍Mediterranean, causing thermometers to rise to‌ decidedly unusual levels for the⁤ period.⁢   ⁣

Still Autumn ⁤and ‍a lot of‍ rain, but⁣ then…

Before this significant change, however, the ‍weekend ‌will⁢ be characterized by more‍ typically​ autumnal conditions.

On Saturday, a disturbance ⁣coming from the Atlantic will bring⁤ cooler ​air to⁣ much of the country,⁣ with a consequent drop ⁢in temperatures that⁢ will bring values back in line ⁢with seasonal averages.   In the Center-South, ‌episodes of instability may also occur, with some scattered rain, especially in ⁣the inland areas and along the Adriatic side. On Sunday, the ‌improvement will be‌ more evident, with widespread clearings that will mainly affect the North and ⁢coastal areas, although ⁢some residual cloudiness may still persist in the South. ​

The arrival ‌of anomalous​ heat from next week

From⁣ Monday, however, things will change ‍drastically.

The​ deepening⁣ of a depression over Western Europe will favor ‌a push of High Pressure towards the Mediterranean.

The warm currents coming from‌ North Africa,⁤ drawn by ‍the movement of this depression, will ‍begin to rise towards the Center-South, bringing a sharp rise in temperatures. Sicily and Sardinia‌ will be among the first to feel the effects of ‌this ​heat wave, with thermal values approaching 30 degrees starting from Tuesday. ⁢ ⁢   ⁣ During the week, ⁢temperatures‍ will continue to rise, reaching their peak between Wednesday and Friday.​ In​ Sicily, Sardinia, and ​along the ⁣southern coasts, thermometers could⁤ reach peaks of 33-34 degrees, values⁢ decidedly high for the month of October. Even in other ‌areas of the Center, such as Lazio and Campania, temperatures will remain well above average, with highs around 28-30 degrees.

Huge differences between North and South

⁢ While ​the⁣ Center-South will enjoy almost ⁣summer ​temperatures, the situation in ⁤Northern ⁣Italy will​ be completely different.

The northern regions, in fact, will remain ⁤under the⁤ influence ⁣of​ cooler ⁤and more ‌unstable currents of ‍Atlantic origin.

On Tuesday, a new disturbance could bring widespread rain to much of the North, with more intense showers expected in the Alps and ‍Prealps.

Even in the plains, ⁤especially between Piedmont and Lombardy, moderate precipitation is expected, accompanied by a⁣ drop in temperatures that will ⁤settle⁤ at autumn values,⁤ with highs between 15 and 18 degrees. During ​the week, weather conditions ⁢in the North will continue to be characterized by marked variability.​ There ⁤will ⁤be moments of clearings, but clouds and precipitation will remain predominant, with a more humid and cool climate​ compared to ​the rest of the country.

The⁢ cool Atlantic air could also partially extend to the Center, especially affecting ⁤the Tyrrhenian regions, such‍ as Tuscany and Umbria, where unstable weather⁣ is⁢ expected between Tuesday ⁢and‍ Thursday.

Weekend: uncertain evolution

⁣The warm ⁢phase could last until Friday or Saturday, but⁣ long-term forecasts remain ‌uncertain.

Some models hypothesize a⁣ gradual return to cooler conditions, with the arrival⁤ of a new Atlantic‌ disturbance towards the ⁣end of the week.   ‌ Note that much will depend on the ‌position and evolution of the Anticyclone, which could ⁢extend this warm phase even beyond the weekend.

In the​ meantime, the contrast between‌ high temperatures and cooler air could favor the formation of localized thunderstorms, especially in the inland areas of the Center and South.

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