French Nuns and Climate Activists Clash Over Megachurch Construction

French Nuns and Climate Activists Clash Over Megachurch Construction

French Nuns and Climate Activists Clash Over Megachurch Construction

The construction of a vast church complex in the South of France has sparked confrontations between climate activists and the Missionary Family of Our Lady, a Roman Catholic order. The order, based in Saint-Pierre-de-Colombier, plans to build a large religious center in the Ardèche mountains to accommodate an increasing number of pilgrims who visit the village to venerate a statue of the Virgin Mary, Our Lady of the Snows. The project includes a church, dining halls, and a footbridge, with financial support coming from pilgrims and faithful donors.

Environmental activists have been vehemently opposing the construction, considering it a polluting eyesore in a region known for its natural beauty. Their protests and legal challenges have delayed the project but haven't succeeded in stopping it. They argue that the legal approvals for the church project were flawed, claiming that the religious order provided inaccurate information on an authorization form by marking "no" when asked if the building would be located in a natural park.

The Catholic hierarchy itself has shown some opposition to the grand project, with a former local archbishop deeming the church part "disproportionate." Despite the setbacks, the religious order remains hopeful that the entire project will ultimately receive approval, citing the potential growth in the number of pilgrims.

The activists' latest hope lies in the discovery of a protected plant, the réséda de Jacquin, on the construction site. They believe that the presence of this plant may halt the project.

Tensions escalated between nuns and climate activists during confrontations at the construction site. While the nuns have sought to protect the excavators and construction activities, activists have continued their efforts to block the project, including chaining themselves to the machines.

This article provides an overview of the ongoing clash between the religious order, climate activists, and local authorities over the construction of a megachurch complex in a pristine natural area of the South of France.

#ClimateActivists, #MegachurchConstruction, #EnvironmentalDisputes, #France, #ArdècheMountains, #ReligiousCenter

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