Hope, support from Türkiye's Mugla city: Honey sent to Gaza amid crisis


Hope, support from Türkiye's Mugla city: Honey sent to Gaza amid crisis

Hope, support from Türkiye's Mugla city: Honey sent to Gaza amid crisis

MUGLA, Türkiye

Beekeepers in Türkiye’s southwestern province of Mugla sent 20,848 jars of honey to Gaza through the Turkish Red Crescent Society on Tuesday.

The jars of honey were prepared for Palestinians living under Israeli oppression in the enclave and sent to the port of Mersin for delivery as part of an initiative led by the Mugla Beekeepers Association (MAYBIR).

Speaking at a ceremony, Mugla Governor Idris Akbiyik emphasized that Mugla beekeepers were not indifferent to the ongoing genocide and said he believes that humanity's reactions would bring an end to the oppression.

"Türkiye has become the hope of oppressed people worldwide. In our hearts, we are a nation in every aspect. Righteousness will prevail in this struggle between right and wrong," he added.

MAYBIR President Vali Turk affirmed support for Gaza's war victims amid the humanitarian tragedy.

During the event, Mugla Mufti Yasar Capci offered prayers for oppressed people throughout the world.

*Writing by Gizem Nisa Cebi from Istanbul

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