16 insects have been approved as food: Here's the list


16 insects have been approved as food: Here's the list

Every country and its cuisines have something unique to offer and that is what makes each cuisine different and forms a legacy that is celebrated by food lovers. And one such uniqueness is eating insects. Almost every country celebrates the benefits of eating insects. And as per latest reports, Singapore Food Agency (SFA) has recently approved 16 new insects as food for human consumption. Scroll down to read the details.


As per the latest circular issued by SFA, 16 different species of insects are approved to be safe for human consumption. And as per the circular, SFA will allow the import of insects and insect products belonging to species that have been assessed to be of low regulatory concern.

As per reports, the insects approved by the SFA as food include house cricket, banded cricket, common cricket, two-spotted cricket, African migratory locust, American desert locust, grasshopper, superworm, mealworm, lesser mealworm, lesser wax moth, greater wax moth, silk moth/silk worm, white grub, giant rhino beetle grub, and western honey bee.

For the uninitiated, the house cricket (Acheta domesticus) is a species of cricket commonly found in households and other buildings. House crickets are light brown with three dark bands on the head. They have long antennae, large hind legs for jumping, and wings that lie flat on the back.

The African migratory locust (Locusta migratoria migratorioides) is a subspecies of the migratory locust and is known for its potential to form massive swarms that can cause significant agricultural damage. These locusts are typically green or brown, with a distinctive robust body and long wings. Nymphs (hoppers) are wingless and go through several molts before becoming adults.

Also, white grubs are the larval stage of various species of beetles, primarily from the scarab beetle family (Scarabaeidae). They are known for causing damage to lawns, gardens, and crops by feeding on the roots of plants.

The greater wax moth (Galleria mellonella) is a moth species known for its larvae, which are notorious pests of honeybee hives. Here are some key details about the greater wax moth. And, the giant rhino beetle grub is the larval stage of various species of rhinoceros beetles, which belong to the family Scarabaeidae. These beetles are known for their large size and the distinctive horn-like structures found on the males.

As per SFA, all these insects have to be produced in a safe environment and in hygienic conditions and not in the wild. Also, documentary proof will be required to showcase that these insects are farmed in premises regulated by the Competent Authority.

It is also reported strict safety regulations will be followed for handling these insects, both in kitchens and pre-packaged industries, including adding proper labels of how the insects are sourced.

What do you think of this culinary move and would you like to try any of these insects?

Thumb and Embed Images Courtesy: istock

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