Project BEE to not reopen winter warming center in October

 Project BEE to not reopen winter warming center in October

Project BEE to not reopen winter warming center in October

Leadership with the City of Minot released statements Thursday that Project BEE would not be opening its winter warming shelter this year.

Minot Mayor Tom Ross released the following statement:

“I have been in contact with a local group of dedicated people who are working hard to find a solution. I have offered them my support. I am proud of how our community is stepping up to fill this gap. I am confident a solution will be reached.”

Minot City Manager Harold Stewart added the following statement:

“Winter shelter services are a necessity. We are confident in our nonprofit community and we are grateful for the efforts to meet those needs.”

A spokesperson for Project BEE told Your News Leader that Tarina Crook, who took over as interim executive director in January when the facility reopened, is no longer involved with the organization. The spokesperson said they would reach out to the current board about possibly speaking with us on the matter.

Project BEE announced Thursday it would not be reopening its winter warming center in October, amid ongoing financial issues, but would keep some of its other operations open, according to a statement on the organization’s Facebook page.

The statement indicates the organization has faced “significant financial challenges” going back to December, making it impossible for them to continue the warming shelter.

In the statement, leadership said not reopening it would allow them to figure out the future of the organization, and thanked their volunteers and supporters for their efforts.

Leadership said they will continue operating their basic needs pantry, diaper pantry and shower program. They are hosting a diaper open house this Sunday, Aug. 4 from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.

In late December, the shelter abruptly closed its doors, amid questions about the organization’s finances, but partially reopened weeks later.

Upon reopening, Project BEE’s then-interim Executive Director Tarina Crook said former director Elizabeth Larsen resigned, but when they were unable to get a definitive end date from Larsen, they sent her a termination letter.

Crook said at the time, the North Dakota Bureau of Criminal Investigation was going over their financial activities from the previous three years, and Project BEE would also hire a third party to examine its finances.

The status of the BCI investigation into its finances is unclear. Your News Leader is reaching out to the BCI for more information.

In February, the City of Minot took over the construction of the Broadway Circle family shelter project from Project BEE, terminating the mutual agreement between Project BEE and the Broadway Circle.

The project was partially funded by a grant from Housing and Urban Development. The city voted to separate the entities but continue work on the project.

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