Tanzanians urged to boost beekeeping investment and productivity

 Tanzanians urged to boost beekeeping investment and productivity

Tanzanians urged to boost beekeeping investment and productivity

The Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism, Mr Danstan Kitandula, has urged Tanzanians to take the beekeeping sector seriously.

He made this call on Saturday, August 3, 2024, during his visit to the East Usambara Mountains Conservation Fund (EAMCEF) to inspect activities conducted by conservation stakeholders in the area.

Among the projects he visited include the beekeeping venture undertaken at the Mkwakwani Village, Korogwe District, Tanga Region.

The project is implemented in the village to reduce deforestation due to the collection of firewood and charcoal preparation.

Mr Kitandula highlighted the crucial role bees play in crop pollination and income generation for beekeepers through products such as honey and beeswax.

He emphasised that strengthened collaboration between the government and stakeholders will significantly increase productivity in the sector.

Furthermore, the deputy minister highlighted the economic benefits, including the production of different products such as soap, and that it has a significant market both domestically and internationally.

Therefore, it is important to emphasise its development, including the application of technology for the sector’s advancement.

"This conference will be attended by delegates from different countries; therefore, players in the sector should take it seriously to reap benefits from the sector, enhance economic opportunities, and lift our people out of poverty,” he said, commending the efforts.

The EAMCEF executive director, Mr Francis Sabuni, said the project’s objective was to reduce worrying deforestation intensified due to increasing human activities.

He said since 2006, the organisation has been providing grants to communities living adjacent to the conservation areas within the East Usambara Mountains as part of community involvement in the conservation and protection of biodiversity.

Furthermore, Mr Sabuni said EAMCEF has been providing an annual grant of Sh1 billion for environmental conservation and the implementation of different eco-friendly projects in areas traversed by the East Usambara Mountains.

The group's secretary, Mr Walles Singano, said they have started improving their lives by increasing income through investment in beekeeping.

"Some of us have been able to educate our children, build houses, and adopt modern farming methods. We are grateful that the project has greatly uplifted us economically," he said.

Mr Singano said citizens have been generating increased income from Sh500,000 to over Sh1.6 million in 2021 when 160 litres of honey were harvested, as compared to 115 litres garnered in 2022 worth Sh1.15 million.

"Honey and beeswax production is affected by climate change, where excessive rainfall or prolonged drought reduces production. We strive to adhere to experts’ directives," he said.

Korogwe District Commissioner William Mwakilema pledged to continue its collaboration with the fund and other stakeholders to ensure environmental protection, including tree planting and several others.

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