Podujevë, 300 bee societies for farmers
The Directorate of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development of the Municipality of Podujeva has continued with subsidizing farmers, allocating 300 bee societies to 60 beekeepers from Llapja.
Subsidizing farmers in all sectors of agriculture continues to be a priority in the investments of the Directorate of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development (DBPHRD) in the Municipality of Podujeva.
Within the framework of investments in this sector, DBPZHR has allocated 300 bee societies for 60 beekeepers from Llapja (five societies for each beekeeper).
On the occasion of the distribution of bee societies to the beneficiary beekeepers of this subsidy, the director of DBPZHR, Vezir Januzi, said that in recent years the Municipality has continuously supported the beekeeping sector, since this sector is quite profitable.
"Last year, the municipality also distributed 5 hives and equipment and other material for 60 beekeepers. Seeing that there is a great interest of farmers to deal with beekeeping, we will increase investments and subsidies in this sector, therefore for the next year we have tripled the budget for beekeeping. From the 30 euros we have allocated this year, next year we will subsidize beekeeping with 80 euros," said Januzi.
The beekeepers, the beneficiaries of this subsidy, thanked the Municipality for its continuous support for the beekeeping sector.
In the municipality of Podujeva, there are currently around 120 beekeepers with 3,000 bee societies. /Telegraph/