Overhauling Australia’s Climate Preparedness: A Call to Action by Security Experts

Overhauling Australia’s Climate Preparedness: A Call to Action by Security Experts

In a stark warning, the Australian Security Leaders Climate Group (ASLCG) has demanded that the federal government overhaul its climate threat preparedness strategy. The group, consisting of former national security leaders, argues that the country is woefully underprepared for the cascading and existential risks climate change poses.

According to their latest report, the scale of the climate crisis demands an “emergency mobilisation” to manage the threats from extreme weather events, such as record-breaking droughts, floods, heatwaves, and bushfires. The ASLCG stresses that these disasters will stretch Australia's emergency response agencies and Defence Force beyond their capacity unless more aggressive action is taken to cut emissions and curb industrial carbon pollution.

Admiral Chris Barrie, former Australian Defence Force chief, points to emerging climate science that warns large parts of northern Australia could become uninhabitable within the next 30-40 years. This would impact military bases, local communities, and the economy, compounding regional instability and threatening food and water security.

The ASLCG calls for the creation of a new climate intelligence branch within the Office of National Intelligence (ONI) to assess risks honestly and guide the government in its planning. This branch would provide an annual, declassified briefing to parliament to ensure Australians are informed about the looming climate dangers.

The report also urges greater cooperation with regional neighbors to protect food production, energy security, and resilience against climate-induced pressures that could render large parts of the tropics uninhabitable. Admiral Barrie warned that, without action, these pressures could destabilize nations, trigger mass migration, and deepen the regional crisis.

In contrast, Federal Minister for Emergency Management Jenny McAllister highlighted the government’s efforts in preparing for more frequent and intense climate events. She referenced the National Preparedness Summit, which brought together government, industry, and community representatives to address the issue collaboratively. However, McAllister agreed that emissions reductions are vital to ensuring the crisis does not worsen.

The ASLCG’s report makes it clear that climate change represents the most serious security threat to Australia’s future — one that far outweighs geopolitical concerns such as tensions with China.


1. What is the Australian Security Leaders Climate Group (ASLCG)?
The ASLCG is a group of former Australian national security leaders focused on highlighting the security risks posed by climate change.

2. Why does the ASLCG call for an “emergency mobilisation”?
They believe that the escalating impacts of climate change—such as natural disasters—demand urgent and comprehensive action to prevent overwhelming Australia’s response systems.

3. What are some of the key risks climate change poses to Australia?
The report highlights extreme weather events like droughts, heatwaves, floods, and bushfires, which could damage infrastructure, displace communities, and create food and water crises.

4. What actions is the ASLCG recommending to the government?
They recommend faster emission cuts, a new climate intelligence branch within the ONI, and increased collaboration with industries and neighboring countries to mitigate the impacts of climate change.

5. How does the ASLCG view climate change compared to other national security threats?
Admiral Barrie and the ASLCG view climate change as a far greater threat to Australia’s future security than geopolitical concerns like the rise of China.

 The Australian Security Leaders Climate Group (ASLCG) has called for an urgent overhaul of the federal government's climate preparedness strategy, warning that climate change poses an existential threat to Australia and the region. Their latest report urges "emergency mobilisation" and quicker emission cuts, alongside pressuring industries to reduce carbon pollution.

The group, made up of former national security leaders, emphasizes that Australia is unprepared to handle the cascading risks posed by climate change, such as more frequent and intense natural disasters. It also recommends the establishment of a new climate intelligence branch to assess risks and bolster support for regional countries facing climate impacts.

Admiral Chris Barrie, former Australian Defence Force chief, warned that parts of northern Australia could become uninhabitable within 30-40 years, creating further security risks. He also criticized the government’s focus on geopolitical threats like China, saying climate disruption is the greatest threat to national security.

#ClimateSecurity #AustraliaPreparedness #EmissionCutsNow #ClimateThreats #NationalSecurity

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